HomeEventSNAP 2024

SNAP 2024

Madrasah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta , Tangerang Selatan

Tentang Event Ini

"What kind of activities you do in SNAP?"
SNAP has its own events. Starting from the social movements, one of our iconic event. Next we're having an opening to start our event. Also, we have competitions. And last but not least its closing! The part we have been waiting for! Which will definitely be attended by magnificent artists! With this event we hope that SNAP can be an inspiration and provide the best experience Aliyah's Project 2024.

What is SNAP?
Let us tell you about our SNAP history

Spirit of Never Ending Aliyah's Project

SNAP adalah sebuah event tahunan Blue School yang diadakan oleh para siswa/siswi MA Pembangunan Jakarta.
SNAP mulai dibentuk pada tahun 2017. Di dalam SNAP terdapat Social Movement, Opening, Perlombaan, dan Closing

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